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Bemer Premium Set EVO

Descripción del producto


The BEMER Premium-Set EVO is the all-inclusive package for your physical vascular therapy. The new B. Box EVO controller impresses with its clear design, premium materials, and perfect ergonomics. The large, clear touchscreen is easy to use and allows up to two application devices to be controlled simultaneously and independently of each other. In addition to the groundbreaking control unit, the BEMER Premium-Set EVO includes a comprehensive package of application modules and accessories. The various applicators transmit the BEMER signal, which is generated in the control unit, directly to the body areas to be treated: From the B. Body EVO to the B. Pad EVO and B. Spot EVO – the BEMER Premium Set EVO contains everything you could possibly want for healthy relaxation.

3.958,68  + IVA

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