Tienda Online





For information about our practice in Madrid, on Naturopathy and Bioresonance or our services on Building Biology and Environmental Health, write to:

For information on Bioresonance devices or protection devices against electromagnetic pollution, write to:

Use the following form to send your queries to Geobionatura®. Make sure you write your email address correctly; we will reply as soon as possible.

Fields marked with * are mandatory. Indicate I AGREE in the box referring to privacy policy.


If you prefer to be contacted by phone, please let us know which time slot suits you best under comments (see contact form)

Puede llamarnos en horario comercial de lunes a viernes al 913640594 o al 629156478. Para poder prestarle una mejor atención también puede indicarnos su teléfono y un horario de preferencia para que nosotros nos podamos poner en contacto con usted. Para poder informarle convenientemente en nuestra llamada rogamos cumplimente el siguiente formulario: