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Bioresonance Other professionals and private users

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Bioresonance devices without medical use certification for non-medical professionals and private users, with all the benefits of Rayonex Biomedical: Rayocomp Polar 1000 and Rayocomp PS 10. Wellness, VET, TCM and Geobiology (Building Biology BB) ranges

Since its foundation in the 1980s by the German engineer Paul Schmidt that Rayonex Biomedical’s goal has always been to improve the body’s well-being by determining and harmonizing frequency spectra with regulating physiological functions. When it comes to non-medical or private users, Rayonex takes advantage of its many years of knowledge in the area of ​​type IIa certified medical equipment for its application in other areas such as at-home usage and Wellness, naturopathic and integrative techniques, veterinary medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Geobiology/Building Biology. For this purpose, Rayonex proposes two different device presentations and specific software and accessories according to the user​​.
• 2 different German-made equipment in order to better match our customer needs: professional or portable, respectively Rayocomp Polar 1000 and Rayocomp PS10, and different presentations for the latter
• Each of the two formats display different presentations for usage in the Wellness, VET, TCM and Building Biology areas, with the same basic functionality, but with software modules adapted for each case.
• Modular equipment software, you only buy what you need and as you need it!
• Possibility of purchase or rental (the only manufacturer in the market offering you this option)
• Effective harmonization backed by clinical trials of the MED range
• Life-long free software update: your equipment will never be out of date!
• Free and personalized training on your device and modules.

Rayocomp PS Polar 1000 device for non-medical professional use (Wellness, VET, TCM or Building-Biology range):

  • Interface with printer or screen/monitor, pen-drive (pdf format documents) or memory card
  • Database storage capacity up to 1000 patients
  • Touch-screen display, making it faster and easier to handle in both analysis and harmonization. The display presents full program descriptions in the chosen language (6 languages, including ​​Spanish), as well as diagrams of each systemic area. The display presents full program descriptions in the chosen language (6 languages, including ​​Spanish), as well as diagrams of each systemic area.
  • Allows for WIFI connection, facilitating remote technical assistance and software update
  • Optional specific software for application in the Veterinary, Acupuncture or Geobiology fields

Rayocomp PS 10 device for non-medical portable or semi-professional use (Wellness, VET, MTC or Building-Biology range):

Rayocomp PS 10 device for non-medical portable or semi-professional use (Wellness, VET, MTC or Building-Biology range):

  • Weights less than 2 Kg, 25% lighter than the professional device (carried in a metal flight-compatible hand luggage-sized case)
  • Integrated rechargeable battery with more than 20 hours of autonomy.
  • Interface with memory card.
  • Digital non-touch-screen, displaying running program`s number.
  • No WIFI connection. Software update performed by local distributor.
  • Much cheaper than the fixed version, is a great alternative for a Bioresonance beginner, without a large investment and with a reliable, efficient and easy to use and learn equipment.
  • Optional specific software for application in the Veterinary, Acupuncture or Geobiology fields

Rayocomp PS 10 portable device (Wellness) for at-home usage:

On the outside similar to the previous one but only with harmonization software (it does not allow testing nor analysis). It is aimed at individuals who want to take advantage of the benefits of Bioresonance for their well-being and that of their relatives at home in a very simple way and on a day-to-day basis. Thousands of private owners already use Rayonex Biomedical Bioresonance at home in many countries like Germany, Japan, Hong Kong, Austria, Holland or Italy and now also in Spain!

Rayocomp PS 10 LIGHT:

Bioresonance device, portable and easy to use with RAH M8 software. Main harmonization sequences for human and pet wellness with 63 harmonization sequences for human use and 103 for pets (dogs, cats and horses). Includes 1 tissue detector. Updatable to FAMILY and SEMI-PROFESSIONAL versions.

Rayocomp PS 10 BASIC

Complementary portable device for those professionals who already work with a Rayocomp Polar 1000 equipment. By conveniently transferring harmonization program sequences from their professional device into the BASIC one with just a memory card, the BASIC equipment can be used as an alternative device for harmonization sessions either in their practices or at the client’s home.

To know more about Rayonex Biomedical, its products and its training possibilities:


Range presentation video (Spanish)

Rayonex Biomedical’s brochure on the non-medical device range

Recent clinical trial on treatment of chronic cervical pain with Bioresonance (2020)

Clinical trial on the effect of Bioresonance on cellular complexes (Fraunhofer Inst. 2011)

Software and accessories for other professional areas:

Building Biology

Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM

VETS area

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