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Mini Rayonex

Descripción del producto

The Mini-Rayonex from Rayonex Biomedical is a pocket protection device with a generic effect against electromagnetic pollution, developed based on Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt. Contains 1 dipole antenna emitting 1 fundamental frequency value 12.50 which is an harmonising frequency to increase the cell vitalization and regeneration, reason why it is effective as a basic equipment against the influence of electromagnetic pollution (to know more please download the research from the Dartsch Scientific Institute made in 2014 you will find in this site on the in-vitro effectiveness of this Biofield Generators) Dimensions 66 x 100 x 20 mm, weight 118 g. For its application simply place the Mini-Rayonex with the label facing up close to your body in your pocket or bag (at a maximum distance of 2 meters) or for example on your bedside table at night while you sleep or on your desk or workplace. Diameter of action 2 to 2,5 meters.

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